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During CityGAP, I have become far more independent both personally and academically. My experiences meeting with partners have allowed me to gain a clearer vision of what I want to do with my life and contribute to society as a whole. I have gained experience in planning and leadership as well.


I am extremely proud of our final group project and the work we poured into it. During this process, I fell in love with human-centered design and the ways in which the spaces we occupy affect us and vice versa.


Again, I want to thank you so much for everything from CityGAP and beyond--It was truly a life changing experience and I am so grateful to have learned and made the connections that I did.

- Lily, CityGAP


I only have the highest praise for CityGAP! And for Tanya and Andy, teachers, mentors, and city guides extraordinaire. They are historians, urban policy experts and student advocates all rolled into one. Even for my daughter who has grown up in NYC, this program expanded her understanding and appreciation of the city’s many and multifaceted challenges. The students hear from, interact with and work side by side leaders of projects and initiatives throughout the city. The program allows for sufficient flexibility, independence and guidance to encourage each student to dive deep into urban issues of personal interest while also sustaining a supportive group dynamic where the students share their experiences with each other and collaborate on group projects. Tanya and Andy also seamlessly weave in skill building in time management, independent living and study skills. Wonderful gap year experience!

- Ellen, CityGAP Parent


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